Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Innovation in the Classroom

Teaching English Lit & Composition, I have the opportunity to see writing that simply blows the mind. I run across it every year...it may be the student that didn't grasp the nuances of descriptive writing last year, but this year paints this beautiful picture for the mind's eye with his or her words. Maybe it is the student that didn't understand the concept of unity and coherency their freshman year, but now, their junior year, those supporting sentences work together with their topic sentence like an army of well trained soldiers. There are some of my students that have trouble grasping the "rules and structure" (bllaacchhh) of a formal essay, but when it comes to poetry, I have to pick my jaw up off of the floor or even wipe a tear from my eye. Writing doesn't come easy for many.... but most of my students definitely want to succeed at being writers. 

One of the concepts that I really like about #geniushour is that it incorporates so many different ELA (English Language Arts) standards, while at the same time, putting the learning experience directly into the hands of the learner. Another aspect that I am really enjoying, is the required blog that the students comment on at the end of each Genius Hour time. It gives them the opportunity to journal about the positives (and even negatives) of their project, it gives me another way of communicating with them, and it helps instill positive social media experiences and creates a positive digital footprint. It even encourages them to take time with their writing, knowing that so many people can and will see it. 

That is one of the things that I wished to share with you all today. The embedded link (below) will take you to each student's blog. This is where they share their Genius Hour project with the world, where they give updates, voice frustrations, and brag on their findings. I encourage you all to visit some of the blogs, and please make comments on them. These young people are excited about what they are learning, and some of them are wanting to network with others that can help them with research questions, or give them insight as to what they are working on. I hope that you will take the time to dive into the work that your sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, friends, etc. are doing. It is very exciting, and they are excited to share it with you. 

If you have any questions, I urge you to comment on this blog, and I will definitely get back with you. Until then... thank you again for reading, and making a positive impact on the students of Waverly High School. 

Here is the link to take you to student blogs:

Travel light,
Mrs. Flem~

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