Sunday, March 29, 2015

You Need to Drink the Water

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a relaxing Sunday evening in preparation for the week ahead. Obviously, you know that I have started a blog, as you are reading it currently.... WELCOME, and thank you for stopping by. I hope you will be checking in on a regular basis to find out what 'shenanigans' are going on inside of my classroom, and what the daily life as a teacher at Waverly High School is like. (hey.....we really don't take part in shenanigans....I was just kiddin' around)....

As some of you may know, I have implemented a new concept in my classroom called Genius Hour. Genius Hour isn't a 'new' concept in general, but it is a new concept at WHS. It is something that hasn't ever been done before....and frankly, I'M SOOOOO SUPER EXCITED!!! If you want to find out more about what Genius Hour is, you can click on the link below my profile, or follow this link to learn more about it: The concept of Genius Hour comes from our friends at Google. They thought, "What if we gave our employees 20% of their work time during the week to work on 'pet projects' they are interested in, that could benefit the company?" The idea took off, and was coined '20% Time'....from this concept great tools such as Google Talk and Google News were developed. The concept is the same in the classroom. If the students master what they need to know in their core subject, Monday through Thursday, then they can take Friday to work on a project that they are passionate about. The response was met with emotions that crossed the board....some were thrilled, some raised an eyebrow as if to say, "She can't be serious...", some were overwhelmed, and some had tons of questions! I spent the week before Spring Break building the excitement of 'being in charge of your own learning'....and then on Friday, I hit them with the idea through a short video that I put together. Questions were answered, and heads started spinning with thoughts of changing the world....EVERY TEACHER'S DREAM!!!

This past Friday was our first Genius Hour, and it was so eye opening. Students that would normally struggle to pay attention were engaged, excited and working so hard at research and implementing ideas that you would have thought their learning worlds were opened for the first time. By the hour's end, in both the Sophomore and Junior classes, there were ideas that ran from A to Z. You can find a short list on our Facebook page entitled "An Hour of Genius" .... I encourage you to follow the link and like the page.  It is because of this, Genius Hour, that this blog was started. It is truly a goal of mine to put my students on the map, and I am working at networking and connecting with teachers, corporate entities, etc. all over the map....letting them know the GENIUSES that we have at Waverly High School.

If you have made it this far....thank you!!! It is vital that parents, community members, administrators, and people from all over buy into the education that our students are getting. We can no longer sit by and let our young people be boxed and pushed into one mold that looks the same. These are young people with visions, with dreams, with ideas....and they are all different. These are young people that learn differently, see things differently, get through tasks at different rates of speed; what a disservice to lump them all together and say, "This is what you are learning, because you have to pass a test."  I don't want that for my students. Genius Hour opens up their minds, allows them to think critically, creatively, and individually.

I encourage you to come along with us on this incredible journey! Don't miss out, because WE ARE CHANGING THE hour at a time!

Have a great evening,
Mrs. Flem'


  1. Mrs. Flem',

    Nice job inspiring your readers! I love that you want to put your Waverly students on the map, showing what they are capable of. I can imagine you will even arrange some long distance internships for some of your students.

    I taught for 7 years in a grade 7-12 school in Iowa with 100 students. It sounds like it was similar to Waverly High School in size. Junior highers were doing genius hour, and in our own small way, we did change the world. Here's a genius hour video we made, which a lot of people around the world have used to inspire their own students before they started GH. Genius Hour: Follow Your Passions

    So, you can definitely do it too!

    Keep following and sharing with the #geniushour tag and #20Time to reach more high schools.


    1. Denise,
      Thank you for your comment, and for the enthusiasm for what we are doing. This is the first time anything like this has been done at our school, and we really are trying to put ourselves on the map. These students have amazing ideas, and we are currently trying to connect and network with people all over to help us accomplish our goals.

      I simply loved your class and their Genius Hour video. I smiled throughout the whole video. As an educator, there is no better feeling than seeing students be so passionate about what they are learning. BRAVO TO YOU!

      If you have any ideas for helping us network with others to find mentors for my students, please don't hesitate to let me know. I am currently searching to find mentors, skypers, and those willing to connect with us in Waverly America!!

      Again, thank you so much for your encouragement and your support!

      Blessings to you,

  2. Penny,
    I, too, started my blog because of the changes I was making to class - notably Genius Hour! I'm excited to see how it will be the catalyst for many changes in the rest of your year... Keep sharing your stories so we can all learn from them!
    Side note - Denise (above) was one of my first mentors on my journey!
    Enjoy your journey,

    1. Joy!!!!
      Thank you so much! As I really dug into the positive results that Twitter can bring to a classroom environment, your page was one of the first I started following! You are an inspiration to me, as I am sure many others!!! I got into education to truly 'change the world' least change the mindsets of some of my students; helping them to see how much potential they really have!! Not only do I want them to THINK BIG, AND DO BIG THINGS.... but also, I want that for myself.... bringing as much transparency and awareness to our little school as I can!!

      I am truly excited to see what the rest of the year unveils for my students! I am just as excited as they are!

      Again, my continued thanks to you,
