Wednesday, May 6, 2015

It's Much Less Crowded & There's Room to See

"It takes a lot of guts to step out, but once you do, it's honestly one of the best feelings. I can assure you of that." 
The above quote greeted me today, in an email exchange between a student and myself. It was a discussion about #GeniusHour, and it couldn't have come at a better time. The student quoted above deals with the typical plight of many of my students, they are afraid to step out of the box! You see, that is one of the most amazing things about Genius Hour. For students to really take charge of their projects, for them to get the very most out of this very special time, they have to get out of their comfort zone.

  1. Genius Hour is not the education of the 1950's, 60's 70's, 80's or 90's. 
  2. Genius Hour isn't sitting in a chair, listening to a teacher spoon feed information to students.
  3. Genius Hour has nothing to do with state assessments; although, it can certainly help students score higher on them.
  4. Genius Hour covers reading, writing, presenting, researching, editing, even publishing...all while the student gets to learn about an interest of their own.
  5. Genius Hour engages deep learning because student passion is involved.
  6. Genius Hour encourages critical thinking.
  7. Genius Hour helps students learn about leaving a positive digital footprint.
  8. Genius Hour teaches vital networking tools.
  9. Genius Hour allows students something to be excited about when learning.
  10. .....and Genius Hour helps students realize the importance of learning to fail. 
Yep, I said it... sometimes students encounter failing. Sometimes they have to change their research/project topic, because through research and probing, they realize their first idea was just too much. Students sometimes get half way through their project and find out that a prototype didn't work anything like it was supposed to. There are even times when meetings for interviews fall through, and the student has to run with a Plan B instead of their Plan A... and this, folks, is life... and isn't "life" something that school is supposed to be preparing young people for? Oh, and Genius Hour does that too...helps prepare students for life. Many are researching and putting projects together, only to find out that it is a path that they would like to follow after high school. 

Students encounter tremendous success from Genius Hour. That is what I am finding with my students. I have also discovered that some of my students have found a new passion through another student's Genius Hour project. That is remarkable to me! There are students in my class that are thriving with their projects...networking, finding confidence, discovering that they actually LIKE being outside of the box; whereas their norm before was to stay as much 'in the box' as they could. 

As the year comes to a close, students are preparing to give their final presentations for Genius Hour. Some will be giving Powerpoint presentations to show their findings and successes, some are using iMovie, some are putting together a Prezi talk, and some will just be speaking upon what they have done for this nine weeks. I, for one, am so excited to see what these bright minds have concluded for this initial Genius Hour, and I'm excited to share them with the world as well. Each student will get out of Genius Hour, what they put in...and that, too, is life. 

" takes a lot of guts to step out...." It sure does take guts! I couldn't be more thrilled to see so many of my students with the 'guts' to 'step out'. It seems that the box is much less crowded as this nine weeks comes to a close.... and once one steps out of the box, things appear much clearer.

Happy travels,